Statement by the Green Party on Raoul Wallenberg Day

(OTTAWA) - Today marks Raoul Wallenberg Commemorative Day in Canada. The Green Party of Canada honours the legacy of Raoul Wallenberg, who gave his life in the pursuit of justice and human rights.

 “We must never forget the heroism of Raoul Wallenberg, who saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish Hungarians,” said Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Member of Parliament for Saanich – Gulf Islands.

Mr. Wallenberg was a Swedish architect and diplomat who was assigned to a post in Hungary during the Second World War.  In a span of six months, Wallenberg saved hundreds of thousands of Jewish-Hungarians from the Nazis. He defended families and individuals by establishing safe houses, shelters, and hospitals for over 30 000 people and extended diplomatic immunity to an additional 20 000 people.

In his final rescue, Wallenberg personally prevented the deaths of 70 000 Jews when the Nazis threatened to destroy the Budapest Ghetto as they advanced into the city.

Wallenberg disappeared on January 17, 1945 when he was arrested by the Soviet Union on charges of espionage. Raoul Wallenberg is officially considered to be a missing person. For his heroic actions, he was named as Canada’s first Honourary Citizen in 1985.

“As human rights throughout the world continue to be abused, Raoul Wallenberg stands as a courageous example that should inspire us all,” concluded Elizabeth May.


 For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Julian Morelli
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
cell: (613) 614 4916
office: (613) 562 4916 (224)