Court ignored: Cons Approve Oil Sands Project despite CO2 emissions equal to 800,000 cars a year

Jim Harris

Ignore court rulings, delay studying the impact of oil sands on water, don't consult with Aboriginal people and approve a project that will have 50 year impacts on CO2 emissions without any mitigating requirements. Staggering.

Environmental groups are shocked at the Conservative cabinet approving the controversial Kearl oilsands project the day after a federal court upheld the removal of a key water licence.

Conservative response to the court ruling?

Fisheries and Oceans Minister Loyola Hearn will ignore the court ruling and reissue a water use permit – nullified by the court ruling – to allow Imperial to begin work at Kearl.

The minister responsible for protecting marine life, Conservative minister of fisheries and oceans Loyola Hearn will likely in the next few days issue a water permit allowing for the destruction of fish habitat.

Just a few days ago the federal Conservative Minster of the Environment criticized Ontario and Quebec premiers for forging ahead with a cap and trade system.

This is Orwellian doublespeak: a Minster of Fisheries who enables fish habitat destruction a Minster of the Environment who works to slow, halt, frustrate any efforts to protect our environment.

CO2 emissions
the project will emit 3.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, the equivalent of 800,000 cars. The oil sands sector is going to represent 10 per cent of Canada's total emissions by 2015.

The Conservative philosophy? Damn the fate of the earth – ahead at full speed with intensifying CO2 emissions in our atmosphere.
