A new Harris Decima poll shows the Green Party 5% ahead of the NDP vote rich Ontario. Ontario contains almost 40% of Canadian electors -- so this province has a disproportionate effect on elections.
The Harris Decima poll, released April 2, shows the Liberals at 38% in Ontario, the Conservatives at 33%, the Green Party at 15%, and the NDP at 10%. Green Party is now at roughly half the level of support of the Conservative Party in Ontario.
The report concludes that "There’s a lack of enthusiasm for the Conservatives, waning interest in the NDP, and a firming of support for the Green Party."
Across Canada the Green Party is at 12% and the NDP at 13%. Given that the margin of error for the poll is 3.1% -- the two parties are in a 'virtual' or statistical tie.
Harris Decima's graph below shows NDP support plummeting by almost 50% from a high of 25% just after the 2006 election to 13% today while the Green Party support has shot up from 4.5% in 2006 to 12% today -- almost tripling.
To download the full study go to http://www.decima.com/en/pdf/news_releases/080403E.pdf