
    Green Party response to Economic snapshot

    Media Release | Wednesday, 08 Jul 2020
    OTTAWA –  The Green Party of Canada responded today to the fiscal snapshot provided by Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s economic update. “Never before has it been so clear that the economy takes a...

    Green Party Statement for Canada Day 2020

    Statement | Wednesday, 01 Jul 2020
    OTTAWA – The Green Party is excited to join Canadians everywhere for the National Virtual Canada Day Celebrations: Canada Day Across the Country. The daytime and evening shows, hosted by Serena Ryder...

    Green Party Commitment to Anti-Discrimination

    Statement | Monday, 29 Jun 2020
    At the Green Party of Canada, we are committed to being true allies for change. We have a responsibility to speak out against injustice, and do the important work of dismantling systemic and...

    TVO hosts first official Green Party leadership debates

    Media Release | Monday, 22 Jun 2020
    TORONTO  – On June 23, 2020, TVO will host the first official Green Party of Canada leadership debate. All 10 leadership contestants will participate in the two-debate format, moderated by Steve...

    Green Party Statement on National Indigenous Peoples Day

    Statement | Sunday, 21 Jun 2020
    OTTAWA – On National Indigenous Peoples Day, Jenica Atwin (MP, Fredericton), Green caucus critic for Indigenous and northern affairs, reminds Canadians that we must accept the truth of Canada’s...

    Green Party Statement for UN World Refugee Day

    Statement | Friday, 19 Jun 2020
    OTTAWA – The UN Refugee Agency estimates that there are now almost 80 million forcibly displaced persons including 26 million refugees. On UN World Refugee Day, the Green Party of Canada commits to...

    Greens demand a full inquiry into the RCMP

    Media Release | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2020
    OTTAWA – Last week, Green Party parliamentary leader Elizabeth May stated: “The RCMP is a racist institution.” Today, Ms. May provided further evidence of the institution’s racist, anti-Indigenous...