
    Accusations of Vote Splitting are Baseless

    Blog | Wednesday, 28 Nov 2012
    Pundits were quick yesterday to point the finger at the Green Party for allegedly splitting the left-of-centre vote in the Calgary by-election. I don’t think these people paid attention to the...

    NWPA Statements

    Statement | Tuesday, 27 Nov 2012
    Gord Downie, musician and Waterkeeper Steward: For thousands of years, the laws of the land said that all people were free to travel anywhere on any waterway. Building on that tradition, all...

    The Green Candidates are Contenders

    Media Release | Monday, 26 Nov 2012
    VICTORIA, BC – Green Leader Elizabeth May reacted to by-elections results tonight before leaving Victoria for Ottawa.“I want to congratulate Green candidates Donald Galloway, Chris Turner and...

    Elizabeth May is the Parliamentarian of the Year

    Media Release | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – Green Leader Elizabeth May won top honours at tonight’s 2012 Parliamentarian of the Year Awards, an annual event organised by Macleans’ and L’Actualité. The MPs themselves voted in eight...

    The Mathematics of the Phone Canvass

    Blog | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012
    The Equation A great phone canvass + A great GOTV team = A great day at the polls The Explanation We have all received the emails asking for help with the phone canvass in this round of by elections...

    NAFTA lawsuit should be an eye-opener for Harper

    Blog | Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012
    On November 15th, 2012, US-incorporated firm Lone Pine Resources announced its intentions of suing the Government of Canada under the North American Free-Trade Agreement’s infamous Chapter 11.  Over...

    We're so close to winning next Monday. Help us get there!

    Blog | Monday, 19 Nov 2012
    Dear friend,The whole country is starting to take note of the exciting races in Calgary and Victoria - why? Because in both, a Green is within reach of winning.Last week, I emailed you with important...