
    Green Party supports fair treatment of Canada’s veterans

    Media Release | Friday, 31 Jan 2014
    THUNDER BAY – With the closure of eight Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) offices taking effect today, the Green Party of Canada is calling on the Harper Conservatives to reverse their irresponsible cuts...

    Greens challenge legality of library destruction

    Media Release | Monday, 27 Jan 2014
    OTTAWA – In her first question of 2014 in Question Period, Elizabeth May, leader for the Green Party of Canada and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, today challenged the government over the legality of...

    Greens welcome new Deputy Leader

    Media Release | Monday, 27 Jan 2014
    OTTAWA – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, announced today the appointment of her caucus colleague and second Green member of Parliament,  Bruce Hyer, (Thunder Bay—Superior...

    Real threat to Arctic sovereignty is Canada

    Blog | Monday, 27 Jan 2014
    Conservative Arctic policy has recently come to the forefront, as Canada took over the two-year chairmanship of the Arctic Council last year. To no one’s surprise, Prime Minister Stephen Harper...

    The globalization of the work force

    Blog | Friday, 24 Jan 2014
    It used to be understood that a healthy economy included low unemployment and available jobs right across the country. Pockets of persistently high unemployment would receive help in stimulus...