
    Green Party news from COP21: Canada making a difference

    Media Release | Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) -The Green Party of Canada group at COP21 is encouraged by the constructive atmosphere as the negotiations enter the final days.   “It is critical that the community of nations succeed in...

    Green Party Statement on Hanukkah

    Media Release | Sunday, 06 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) - As Hanukkah begins at sundown this evening, Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich - Gulf Islands) would like to extend best wishes to Canada’s Jewish community...

    Liberal nuclear dreams are a nightmare for Ontario

    Media Release | Thursday, 03 Dec 2015
    Green Party of Canada stands with Ontario Greens to oppose the rebuilding of  nuclear reactors in Ontario (OTTAWA) December 3, 2015 - Efforts to reduce electricity bills and build the renewable...

    Green Party Statement on World AIDS Day

    Media Release | Tuesday, 01 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) December 1, 2015 -World AIDS Day is dedicated to showing support for those living with HIV/AIDS, while also commemorating those who have passed away. On this day, organizations from around...

    Green Party commits to getting results in Paris

    Media Release | Thursday, 26 Nov 2015
    (OTTAWA) - The Green Party of Canada is committed to a successful conclusion of the climate negotiations that have taken place continuously over the last decade within the United Nations Framework...